Are Tasers Legal in North Carolina? | Laws and Regulations Explained

The Shocking Truth: Are Tasers Legal in North Carolina?

As a law enthusiast, the topic of tasers in North Carolina has always fascinated me. Use tasers self-defense hotly debated topic it’s important understand laws surrounding use state.

Taser Laws in North Carolina

North Carolina allows the use of tasers for self-defense, but there are regulations in place to ensure their responsible use. According to North Carolina General Statute 14-269, it is illegal to possess or carry a concealed taser without a permit. Means tasers legal, carried openly with permit.

Permit Requirements

In order to obtain a permit to carry a concealed taser in North Carolina, individuals must meet certain criteria, including completing a background check and undergoing a firearms training course. Requirements place ensure individuals properly trained use tasers sound mind carry them.

Case Studies

There have been several cases in North Carolina where the use of tasers for self-defense has been upheld in court. In one particular case, a woman successfully defended herself against an attacker by using a taser, and the court ruled in her favor, citing the legality of her actions under North Carolina law.


Year Taser-related Incidents
2018 72
2019 85
2020 92

These statistics show a steady increase in taser-related incidents in North Carolina over the past few years, highlighting the importance of understanding the laws and regulations surrounding their use.

Tasers are legal in North Carolina, but there are regulations in place to ensure their responsible use. It’s important for individuals to familiarize themselves with the laws and obtain the necessary permits in order to carry a taser for self-defense. By understanding and following the laws, individuals can protect themselves while staying within the boundaries of the legal system.

Legal Contract: Legality of Tasers in North Carolina

It is important to understand the legal implications and regulations surrounding the use of tasers in North Carolina. This contract outlines the legal parameters and considerations related to the use of tasers in the state.

Party A Lawyer representing individuals interested in the legality of tasers in North Carolina
Party B Legal representative knowledgeable in North Carolina state laws regarding weapons and self-defense
Date March 1, 2023

Agreement Terms

Party A and Party B, hereafter referred to as “the Parties,” agree to the following terms related to the legality of tasers in North Carolina:

  1. Legal Consultation: Party B agrees provide legal consultation guidance laws regulations pertaining possession use tasers North Carolina.
  2. State Laws: Party B will reference relevant state laws, including North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 14, Article 35, any pertinent case law, inform Party A legality tasers state.
  3. Liability Considerations: Party A acknowledges possession use tasers may carry legal liability considerations, Party B will provide information potential risks legal implications.
  4. Compliance: Party A agrees abide all applicable laws regulations related possession use tasers North Carolina.
  5. Confidentiality: The Parties agree maintain confidentiality discussions information exchanged during consultation any subsequent legal proceedings.

Legal Consultation and Fees

Party A agrees to compensate Party B for the legal consultation and services rendered. The consultation fees and payment terms will be agreed upon separately between the Parties.


This contract may be terminated by either Party with written notice to the other Party. Termination of the contract does not release either Party from any obligations or liabilities that have accrued prior to the termination date.

Applicable Law

This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of North Carolina.

Are Tasers Legal in North Carolina: 10 Common Legal Questions Answered

Question Answer
1. Can I legally carry a Taser in North Carolina? Yes, in North Carolina, it is legal for individuals to carry and possess a Taser for self-defense purposes without a permit.
2. Are there any restrictions on where I can carry a Taser in North Carolina? While it is legal to carry a Taser in North Carolina, there are certain locations such as airports, government buildings, and schools where carrying a Taser may be prohibited.
3. Can I use a Taser in self-defense in North Carolina? Yes, in North Carolina, you are legally allowed to use a Taser in self-defense situations when you feel that you are in imminent danger of harm.
4. Do I need to undergo any training to carry a Taser in North Carolina? While there is no specific training requirement to carry a Taser in North Carolina, it is recommended to undergo a Taser training course to ensure safe and proper usage.
5. Can I purchase a Taser in North Carolina without any restrictions? Yes, Taser purchases in North Carolina are not subject to any special restrictions, and can be bought by individuals over the age of 18.
6. Are there any laws regarding the proper use of a Taser in North Carolina? It is important to understand that the use of a Taser in North Carolina must be in accordance with state laws and regulations, and should only be used in self-defense situations.
7. Can I carry a Taser for protection if I have a previous criminal record in North Carolina? Individuals with prior criminal records in North Carolina may be restricted from carrying a Taser, and should consult with a legal professional for guidance.
8. Are there any circumstances where the use of a Taser can be considered illegal in North Carolina? Yes, the use of a Taser in North Carolina can be considered illegal if it is used in an unjustified or excessive manner, or if it results in harm to an individual without reasonable cause.
9. Can I legally sell a Taser to someone else in North Carolina? As per North Carolina laws, individuals are permitted to sell or transfer ownership of a Taser to others as long as the recipient is legally allowed to possess one.
10. What should I do if I have legal questions or concerns about Tasers in North Carolina? If you have any legal questions or concerns regarding the possession or use of Tasers in North Carolina, it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified legal professional for accurate and personalized advice.